- Vince Lombardi
"I highly recommend this app, I'm able to show people websites and stuff. I don't really care for display recorder but this app is way better."
- Cool dude 36
"Works as advertised. I find myself using this for more then I thought."
- ejlop01
"Awesome app that's easy to use. Makes me more accountable when doing my own workouts. I'm looking forward to the remote. Great app for those that do Crossfit or workouts similar to it. Enjoy!"
- TexasTunde
"I really like to listen to Pandora but I can't leave it running all night. With this sweet little app I can tune in my favorite Pandora or iTunes or Internet radio and
drift off to sleep knowing this utility will turn it off right on time. Many thanks."
- DrDisappointed
© 2012-2025 iJasonEverett